
Wise and Well

I am trained to help you reduce inflammation, cleanse your body and boost your immune system. Let me introduce you to the The SHAPE program.
The SHAPE Program is a health restoration program that combines the SHAPE Drops with the SHAPE Nutrition Protocol for a simple, effective and safe way to achieve optimal health.
The SHAPE Program is designed for people who are ready to change their lives.

1. Physical/Health Examination

We will evaluate and locato findings through the use of observation palpation, percussion and auscultation Information obtained will be integrated with a patient's history and pathophysiology.

2. Natural Therapy

There are a variety of nature therapies you can do to lower your stress and anxiety.

3. Physical Activity/Healthy Eating

The sound of your shoes hitting the ground intervenes in troublesome thoughts. Feeling planted on the pavement anchors your mental and emotional state, keeps you stable

“In our present era, we are fortunate to have the rare privilege of a healing perspective, which arguably, may span thousands of years. How entirely accurate that perspective is, of course, may be questionable. However, the one feature that weaves its way throughout is this primary, One Central Principle: the human body emerging through heart and mind was designed to be an integral revelation of the Vital Force at this level of design and creation. As such, its capacity to heal and be healed is clearly a matter of a restorative re-alignment with the central core of its source – Healing for the Pattern of Life!”

Are you struggling with any of these?

Explore Our Caring & Premium Integrative Services

Fitness Performance

Physical fitness is considered a measure of the body's ability to function efficiently, effectively and without injury in work and leisure activities.

Blood Tests

Blood tests are very common. They help doctors check for certain diseases and conditions. They also help check the function of your organs and show how well treatments are working.


If your thyroid condition isn't well-controlled or hasn't yet been diagnosed, exercise can actually be dangerous for you. Potential problems with exercise depend on the type of thyroid disease.